Sustainable websites and online presence for community value-adding initiatives.

"General Terms and Conditions"

To avoid translation errors, the Dutch version is the applicable version.

1. General:

1.1. These General Terms and Conditions apply between the client (the customer) and the contractor (uOnline).
1.2. The General Terms and Conditions apply from the moment the Agreement takes effect between the customer and uOnline.
1.3. uOnline uses external suppliers which means that the General Terms and Conditions of these suppliers may apply to the customer. uOnline makes every effort to select reliable external suppliers.
1.4. These General Terms and Conditions are governed exclusively by Dutch law.

2. Social:

2.1. Our vision is: "Sustainable websites and online presence for initiatives with added social value".
2.2. uOnline seeks customers with social value added and may therefore refuse initiatives as customers.
2.3. For the sake of serving existing customers, uOnline has the right to refuse new customers.
2.4. Should a customer's services change so that the social added value can be questioned, uOnline may decide not to renew the agreement by mutual agreement.
2.5. Through pleasant cooperation and good service, uOnline hopes that customers will remain customers for a longer period of time.

3. Agreement:

3.1. The agreement is entered into after the customer's agreement, usually after giving a demonstration.
3.2. The customer expresses its agreement verbally (digitally) or via an email to uOnline.
3.3. Through giving the agreement, the customer gives his approval on the Terms and Conditions and the price agreement through the annual invoice.
3.4. The customer will communicate changes in their contact details to uOnline in a timely manner

4. Working method via sprints:

4.1. After the client's approval, a target date for formal delivery is consulted. Through jointly agreed periodic sprints, progress, agreements and approval on the work delivered by uOnline is secured.
4.2. Mutual adherence to agreements is necessary for sprint progress.
4.3. After the formal delivery, the customer is in full agreement with the services and work provided by uOnline, and adjustments will fall under additional work.
4.4. Until 2 weeks after the formal delivery, the customer has time to communicate any changes. If this change is a technical error by uOnline, it will be resolved free of charge. If this is a minor change, this may fall under leniency and will then still be carried out by uOnline.

5. Duration of agreement and termination:

5.1. The agreement is entered into for a minimum of 12 months and starts when uOnline starts making investments for the customer. Investments may include; registration of the first domain name or purchase of licences and/or server space.
5.2. The current agreement is tacitly renewed for 12 months.
5.3. The customer can terminate the agreement by sending an e-mail to the uOnline Helpdesk before the start of the last full 2 months of the current agreement.
5.4. The customer will receive the new annual invoice via email around month 11 of the current agreement.

6. Prices and discount:

6.1. If prices and the model are adjusted, the customer will be notified via email. This price adjustment may affect upcoming agreements.
6.2. Additional discounts can be discussed in consultation with uOnline.
6.3. Upon request, uOnline can send an offer.

7. Payment and billing:

7.1. Invoices should be paid within two weeks.
7.2. All prices quoted are exclusive of sales tax unless otherwise stated.
7.3. After failing to fulfil the agreed payment, uOnline has the right to terminate the Agreement without regard to the General Terms and Conditions described under "Termination".

8. Dissolution:


Upon termination of the agreement:

  • Until 7 days before the end of the agreement, the customer can request an export of the website's texts, photos and other media by sending an email to the uOnline Helpdesk. uOnline will then create and offer an export.
  • If desired, the customer exports the e-mails from his mailbox(es) himself, or takes over the domain name plus the e-mail address.
  • Upon request, uOnline will assist with the transfer of the domain name and/or email boxes (excluding the last 7 days of the agreement). Any additional costs will be paid by the customer by mutual agreement.

9. Services:


In case of questions, the customer turns to:

  • First to the uOnline Knowledge Base via: base.
  • The customer then contacts the uOnline Helpdesk.

uOnline determines whether the question falls into one of the following categories:

  • Create a new article in the Knowledge Base, or reference an existing article in the Knowledge Base.
  • A request for additional work.
  • A disturbance.
9.3. In case of a request for additional work, uOnline may schedule an appointment.

10. Response time:


uOnline aims to respond within Office Hours:

  • A new article in the Knowledge Base, or reference to an existing article in the Knowledge Base: 4 full working days.
  • A request for additional work: 4 full working days.
  • A (possible) disruption: 2 full working days.

11. Resolution time:


uOnline is committed to the following resolution times:

  • A new article in the Knowledge Base: 5 full working days.
  • A request for additional work: in consultation with the customer.
  • A (possible) disruption: within 2 full working days (depending on suppliers).

12. Disruption:


A disturbance is:

  • That the website is not available on the agreed domain name.
  • That e-mail cannot be accessed at the agreed e-mail address via Webmail.
12.2. The resolution of a disruption is covered by the agreement and is not charged to the customer.
12.3. If a disruption turns out not to be a disruption after all, but a customer problem, uOnline may decide to charge for additional work.

13. Confidentiality:

13.1. uOnline will keep conversations and communications between the customer and uOnline confidential.

14. Maintenance work and backups:


In order to ensure the availability and proper functioning of the customer's online presence, uOnline will carry out scheduled (or, if necessary, unscheduled) maintenance work.

  • Scheduled maintenance work is carried out at set times.
  • Unscheduled maintenance work can be carried out if necessary. This is always consulted with the customer.
  • Unscheduled safety maintenance work is planned in consultation with the customer whenever possible.
14.2. Before and after carrying out maintenance work, uOnline will back up where possible.
14.3. The Maintenance times only take effect, after formal delivery of the services. Until then, uOnline has the right to carry out maintenance work and website modifications without consulting the customer.

uOnline cannot back up email received and sent.

  • Except for emails that are in the shared hosting package

15. Passwords:

15.1. The customer may request uOnline to reset the Website and/or email password.
15.2. When transferring the user name, the customer will take care to change the password immediately.
15.3. Upon transfer of the e-mail address, the customer will take care to change the password immediately.
15.4. The customer will never share their Website and/or email password with uOnline.
15.5. If logging, monitoring or other type of analysis reveals that a customer's account has been used by third parties, the customer will change the password at uOnline's request.


16. Disruption:

16.1. The customer is the full owner of the texts, photos and other media, posted on the website or sent via email, unless other copyrights apply.
16.2. The customer is responsible for correct copyright of the texts, photos and other media used.
16.3. uOnline may use the customer name and website for promotional purposes unless otherwise agreed.

17. Conditions adjustments:

17.1. uOnline has the right to amend these terms and conditions. The main reason for adaptation will be to clarify and improve the service.
17.2. If the General Terms and Conditions are changed, the customer will be notified via e-mail.

18. Definitions:

Domain name:
  • The domain name is the name on which the customer's website can be reached. For example, uOnline's domain name is `` and the customer's domain name is ``. This domain name is basically managed by uOnline unless otherwise agreed.
  • The website is the customer's texts, photos and other media hosted by uOnline, accessible through the domain name.
  • The system behind the web pages can be a content management system (CMS) where the client can add and edit new pages themselves. This CMS is updated and managed by uOnline for security and functionality reasons.
Content management system:
  • The Content Management System (CMS) is the system that allows you to customise information and the appearance of the website.
  • If uOnline manages the domain name, the customer can also choose e-mail box(es) ending in their own domain name (e.g.
  • Multiple e-mail addresses (e.g. and can point to the same e-mail box. The e-mail can be accessed via Webmail and possibly via e-mail programmes....
  • The server is the system on which the customer's website runs.
  • This server is updated and managed by uOnline for security and functionality reasons.
  • A backup is a copy of the website. This is the CMS, including all texts, photos and other media that are on the server (in the case of shared web hosting, e-mail is also backed up).
  • The uOnline helpdesk is available at:
    • The Knowledge Bank
    • Through the Group Discussion
    • The agreed uOnline e-mail address
Knowledge base:
  • The Knowledge Base is a website with a collection of manuals accessible via
Group discussion:
  • The Group Conversation is the agreed means of communication through which the customer can contact uOnline in a secure and sustainable manner.
uOnline Office hours:
  • These are the times when the uOnline Helpdesk is available.
  • This is from 09:00 to 17:00 excluding Saturdays, Sundays and official Dutch holidays.
Maintenance times:
  • These are the times (this is on the second Monday of the month between 21:00 and 22:00), when uOnline can perform maintenance on the hosted products.
  • Services may not be available during these times.
Web browser control:
  • A web browser (or internet browser) is a programme on the computer, tablet or smartphone on which websites can be viewed.
  • The Web browser check checks whether the Customer's website is displayed correctly on the various web browsers on computer, tablet and smartphone.
  • uOnline performs the Web browser check and is part of the Formal Delivery.
Search engine findability:
  • A search engine is a website on the Internet that allows you to search the Internet. In a search engine, you search by keywords and, in principle, not by domain names.
  • Based on the settings and texts that uOnline and the client place in the CMS, the client's website can be found better in a search engine
  • After the Formal Completion, the client itself can ensure better search engine findability by placing relevant web pages. This allows the client to take search engine optimisation into account.
  • uOnline can help and offers this as an additional service to make your website more findable by search engines